
Thursday, March 2, 2023

February Photo Blogging Challenge: LOVE

 When I learned of the theme for February's Photo Blogging Challenge, my idea formed instantly and I was determined to follow it through.  I was going to find heart shaped images in nature.  Heart shaped clouds, rocks, snow or ice formations are examples of what I hunted.  I searched high and low with great intent all month.  But nature only delivered one image worthy of sharing.  It was a pretty good one, I admit.  But sadly, nature did not deliver signs of love for me to photograph.  Although I still did experience lots of natural love:  sunrises and sunsets, beautiful mountain landscapes, icy waterfalls, wildlife encounters.  But I only saw the one heart shape.

(1) Here it is, taken with two of my guided hike clients who were excited to share this image with their husbands for Valentine's Day:

(2) I have seen gorgeous photos where people have created artistic and incredibly elaborate designs by trampling down fresh snow into intricate designs.  I settled for having my two friends on a recent snowshoe outing trample out a heart:

These two assisted me in looking for hearty signs from nature all day.  But no luck.  Dorothy came up with another idea.... a heart shadow.

(3)  A heart shadow made on a fresh blanket of snow: 

(4) With no addition photos to share on that particular theme, I will share a photo of perhaps the sunrise photo I love more than any I have taken to date, which was shot the morning of February 25th at the confluence of the Bow River and Canmore Creek.

(5) To finish of the month of love, a picture of my dearly beloved husband and adventure buddy, Colin, skating on Lake Windermere, British Columbia's Whiteway, the longest skating trail in the world, so they say.


  1. Mandy, that was a great idea! As we know, Mother Nature doesn't always cooperate, but as an experienced outdoorsperson, you know just how to respond...with grace and creativity. Lovely sunrise...the colours match Colins jersey!

  2. You, your friends and hubby did a fantastic job! And the sunrise - spectacular! Thank you for sharing!
