
Thursday, April 1, 2021

March Photo Blogging Challenge: Eight

Hello Photo Blogging Contributors & Fans!

Congratulations on eight years of photo blogging.  This is my second month of participating in the challenge and here are my entries for the theme of eight for the month of March.

Eight Cleats:

March is the month for wearing icers or ice cleats over your winter footwear in the Bow Valley.  To my way of thinking, they are essential outdoor gear for wandering anywhere outdoors in March, whether it be urban or wilderness settings.  I watched a few days ago as a dozen or more people headed up a trail that was solid ice wearing only sneakers..... DANGEROUS!  I have three different pair that I wear, depending on whether I am around town or out on a hiking trail.  Here is one of my trusty footwear accessories, showing eight cleats for gripping on icy surfaces:

Eight Balls:

"Altered Ground" is Canmore's latest piece of public art.  It is by Tony Bloom, a Canmore resident with an international reputation, who's art installations can be found around the world.  This speaks to Canmore's unique folded geology.  I think it is kinda cool.  What do you think?

I don't know if this is proper for the photo challenge but I am going to try it anyway.  I took pretty much the same photo a few snowy days later as I couldn't figure out which one I liked best, so I am displaying both?!?! 

Run Number Eight:

Alpine skiing is an activity we love in the month of March.  The temperatures are warming up a bit.  My husband, Colin, is pictured here by the sign pointing to Run #8: Cameron's Way at the Lake Louise Ski Resort. The run number is a little hard to read in this smaller blog format, but shows up just fine in my full-screen on the computer version. 

Eight Letters With a Strong Message:

All around the Town of Canmore right now you will see these signs, in protest of a massive, primarily residential development, that will near double the town's population and extend it's linear expansion along a very sensitive and significant wildlife corridor.  A massive, record-breaking, public hearing was held spanning 6 days which saw council listen to presentations by over 200 individuals and groups, with over 90% in opposition to the two proposed area structure plans.  In addition, the town received 1,898 written submissions with over 90% in opposition.  

I am looking forward to working on April's photo blogging challenge!  Bring it on!  


  1. Glad you found an inactive blog you successfully reactivated for the PBC. And you reminded me that I have an old blog on blogger that I should try to access...there are lots of great family memories on that private site. No surprise, I talked about TSMV in my post this month, too. We're on tenterhooks waiting to hear where the development proposals go next. Enjoy the rest of spring skiing season and the transition to cycling season.

  2. There we go. Your links are now updated on the linkup posts!

    And welcome to the challenge! Hopefully you'll enjoy this little group of ours and keep coming back!

    Good set of photos for this theme. And I'll be interested to see what happens with that housing development. 90 percent opposition is huge ... but it's incredible how much the all mighty dollar talks to those making decisions.
